AIR institute promotes Salamanca Tech initiative to boost innovation in Salamanca

This morning the launch of Salamanca Tech took place, an initiative that seeks to promote innovation and technological development in the city. To present the initiative to the media, AIR Institute‘s facilities on Avenida Santiago Madrigal hosted a press conference coordinated by Juan Manuel Corchado, the Director of the institution.

Within the framework of the agreement with the City Council, several commitments related to the dissemination, promotion, training and advice on everything related to AI and new technologies have been made.

Juan Manuel Corchado, Carlos García Carbayo and Ricardo Rivero during the presentation of Salamanca Tech.

Dozens of local and national companies will soon gather at the Salamanca Tech Day forum, where executives from leading technology companies across different fields will meet to discuss new developments and opportunities in science, technology, logistics, health, sustainability and entrepreneurship.

Salamanca Tech Day will be held on 3 May in the Sala Menor of the city’s Palacio de Congresos. It is expected to bring together more than 400 attendees with more than 20 speakers at four round tables that will deal with topics related to technology and innovation, applied biomedicine, research, transfer and logistics.

Juan Manuel Corchado, Carlos García Carbayo and Ricardo Rivero during the presentation of Salamanca Tech.

The event will be inaugurated by the President of the Junta de Castilla y León, Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco; the Mayor of Salamanca, Mr. Carlos Manuel García Carbayo; the Rector of the University of Salamanca, Mr. Ricardo Rivero Ortega; the Rector of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Ms. Mirian Cortés Diéguez, and the Director of AIR Institute, Mr. Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez.

During the press conference, Corchado insisted that “we are living through a time of great changes, AI is experiencing advances that have never been seen before and Salamanca has to take full advantage to be at the forefront of this technological revolution”. He also invited companies to participate and promote projects that wager on Salamanca’s companies.

Juan Manuel Corchado

Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science and Automation, University of Salamanca, Spain.


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