Participation in IJCAI, the largest Artificial Intelligence event in Stockholm

Artificial intelligence is in full swing and the world’s artificial intelligence researchers are currently gathering in Stockholm for the year’s largest event in this field, IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence). Hundreds of events take place at this conference, they tackle very interesting and topical issues.

Many of the areas have been the focus of researchers since decades and have reaped the benefits of our work: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Distributed Intelligence, Multi Agent Systems, CBRs.

We are presenting our work on image recognition using deep learning and case-based reasoning systems at one of the events of this premier conference, the ICCBR (



Juan Manuel Corchado

Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science and Automation, University of Salamanca, Spain.


Contents: – e4YOU – Másteres – CyberCamp

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