Perfiles profesionales 4.0

Professionals 4.0, the new industry profile

We must use the tools within our reach to face the implementation of Industry 4.0 in our companies.

The professional profiles of Industry 4.0 were the subject of analysis of a one-day session organized by the Institute of Spanish Engineers (IEE). Industry 4.0 is a concept which must be allowed to mature with the utmost care. Adapting to 4.0 requires a considerable investment, changes in the company’s form of production and manual labour. This objective may be reached, although not immediately, as it most likely requires giving way to a new generation.

In an age of breakthrough technology continuously on the rise, and most people lacking in ability to confront it, we must use the tools within our reach to face the implementation in our companies of this current trend referred to as Industry 4.0.

Spanish universities will struggle in the short run, but there are mechanisms to improve an ongoing education system, adapt our own degree programmes, create new, official Master’s programmes, and adapt university curricula, in order to generate an infrastructure to meet current demands. We have within our grasp the possibility of promoting something that is currently not well developed in Spain. But at the University of Salamanca we are working precisely in this area to implement an Industry Doctorate within the next year.



Common sense and serenity will be fundamental in implementing this type of industry model in our companies. This is precisely why it is critical to generate enthusiasm within companies to face this challenge.

Here is the video of our round table, if you are interested:


During the round table I was joined by Mr. Pablo Oliete, Director of Cellnex Telecom in Industry 4.0 and President of the Commission of Industry 4.0 for AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information Technology, Telecommunication and Digital Content companies, Mr. Francisco Jariego, Researcher and Independent Consultant for Information and Communication Technologies and digital Communication, Innovation and Economy. President of the Consulting Committee for FOM Technology Consulting and Mr. Conrado Castillo, CEO of Rooter.


The meeting was broadcast live on Periscope and YouTube:


Perfiles profesionales 4.0

Juan Manuel Corchado

Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science and Automation, University of Salamanca, Spain.


Contents: – e4YOU – Másteres – CyberCamp

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