How to stay safe from cyber-attacks in industrial environments

Industrial facilities have only recently realized their vulnerability to cyberattacks this is mainly because until a few years ago they were totally disconnected from the rest of their organisation and, of course, from the Internet. Erik de Pablo Martínez is a physicist, graduated from the Autonomous University of Madrid and, he has completed the Program for Management Development (PMD) at IESE and has extensive experience in the automation of industrial processes and in SSII, developed in the oil industry in Spain and South America. He discusses the importance of cybersecurity in industrial environments.

“Building a control model for critical industrial infrastructures” is the lecture given by Erik de Pablo Martínez, in Module 1 of C1b3rWall Academy 2021: “Networks and architectures”. This lecture aims to show the importance of protecting industrial assets against cyber threats and to illustrate how the degree of protection can be matured sustainably. In recent years, this vulnerability has led to a worrying wave of industry-focused cyber-attacks.

As a consequence of this weakness, a number of national and international regulations have been developed. The main element of the response to cyber-attacks is to have an adequate, well-designed and correctly implemented control model, so that when faced with the possible expression of different risks there is a series of activities (controls) aimed at eliminating them or at least mitigating them sufficiently. You can read the full article on News-365.

If you would like to learn about this topic and other issues related to the protection of industrial archives against cyber-attacks, don’t miss the opportunity to enrol in C1b3rWall Academy 2021 for free.

Juan Manuel Corchado

Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science and Automation, University of Salamanca, Spain.


Contents: – e4YOU – Másteres – CyberCamp

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