The University of Salamanca and VITARTIS advocate the promotion of more research projects with the food industry

USAL’s Spanish-Portuguese Centre for Agricultural Research (CIALE) hosted the workshop ‘University-Business Collaboration in the Agri-food Sector’.

The University of Salamanca and the Food Industry Association of Castile & Leon, VITARTIS, gathered today half a hundred entrepreneurs, researchers and representatives of institutions to go deeper into the need to have closer avenues of collaboration between knowledge centers and companies as a tool to improve the competitiveness of the food industry in the region.
The president of VITARTIS, Félix Moracho, stressed the importance of “strengthening collaboration between knowledge centers – universities and technology centers – and companies in the sector to improve the processes and products of the food industry of Castile & Leon  during the workshop ‘University-Business Collaboration in the Agri-food Sector’ held at the Centro Hispano Luso de Investigaciones Agrarias (CIALE) of the University of Salamanca, a leading center, an example of this university-company collaboration. The workshop, inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Salamanca, Juan Manuel Corchado, served to present papers from research groups of CIALE and the University of Salamanca that either are already working or are interested in working with VITARTIS companies, which will reinforce the transfer of knowledge and strengthen the relations between university and business.
Corchado expressed his interest in having this meeting be the first step to favor the development of new joint projects that will ensure the promotion of research in the University, enhance its laboratories, improve the recruitment of graduates, and continuing training courses.



More information:  Comunicación Universidad de Salamanca

Juan Manuel Corchado

Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science and Automation, University of Salamanca, Spain.


Contents: – e4YOU – Másteres – CyberCamp

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