“Qualtrics”, a new tool that will enhance researcher´s work

It will allow students, as well as teachers, to carry out complex surveys and to send and present them in an effective way.

The R&D+i Building in the University of Salamanca has hosted the presentation of a new tool that will be at the service of students and professors working in research, management and scientific publication. “Qualtrics“, is a computer application that will become an essential tool for researchers. Its advantage is that it is user-friendly, so it doesn´t require any programming knowledge. This new tool will allow any researcher to create advanced surveys without prior knowledge, making it the equivalent to Google for online research.

At the signing of the agreement with the company “Qualtrics”, I was accompanied by USAL teachers Felix Ortega and Juan José Igartua and a new seminar was developed on the topic of “Qualtrics as a tool for Research in Universities and Companies.”


More information at Comunicación Universidad de Salamanca

As published in:

Juan Manuel Corchado

Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science and Automation, University of Salamanca, Spain.


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